This one is on how to write a tic tac toe c++ game that plays against the computer. When the blackjack assignment was shared on StumbleUpon, it generated a large amount of traffic towards the C++ Better Explained site with over 2500 new visitors to the site. Due to popular demand, here is another article on game development with C++. 

How to Make a tic tac toe game in c++ | cppbetterexplained

Tic Tac Toe Code using Classes

Just like the previous example of implementing blackjack in C++, there are several elements of the Tic Tac toe game that we need to break down. The following code example shows just how that is being done by creating a class of the game and creating a separate function for the needed piece of the game that is required.

//Tic Tac Toe Class
#ifndef TIC_TAC_TOE
#define TIC_TAC_TOE
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
class TicTacToe
int pos[9]; // board position
int player; // current player
int totalTurns; // how many turns so far?
int numberPlayers; // 1 to 20
bool playerType[20]; // player #, 0 = comp, 1 = human
void printTurn();
bool playerHuman();
void humanMove();
void computerMove();
void drawBoard();
bool Winner();
bool fullBoard();
void nextTurn();


Tic_Tac_Toe.cpp file – drawBoard() and other main functions

// Tic Tac Toe constructor
 srand (time(0));
 player = 1; // who starts first?
 totalTurns = 0;
 // new player setup
 numberPlayers = 2;
 playerType[1] = 1; // playerType[player] is human (1)
 playerType[2] = 0; // playerType[player] is computer (0)
 for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
 pos[i] = 0;
// Draw the Tic Tac Toe Board and seperate the board
// with the help of |
void TicTacToe::drawBoard()
std::cout << std::endl<< pos[0] << " | " << pos[1] << " | " << pos[2]<< "\n?\n"<< pos[3] << " | " << pos[4] << " | " << pos[5]<< "\n?\n"<< pos[6] << " | " << pos[7] << " | " << pos[8]<< std::endl;}

void TicTacToe::printTurn()
 std::cout << "\nPlayer " << player << "'s turn.\n";
void TicTacToe::nextTurn()
 if (++player > numberPlayers)
 player = 1;
bool TicTacToe::playerHuman()
 return playerType[player];
void TicTacToe::humanMove()
 std::cout << "\nEnter your move: ";
 int move;
 std::cin >> move;
 move−−; // so user can enter 1−9 instead of 0−8
 while (move < 0 || move > 8 || pos[move] != 0);
 pos[move] = player;
void TicTacToe::computerMove()
 int move;
 // Pick a random number from 1 − 9
 move = rand() % 9; // just pick a random number
 while (move < 0 || move > 8 || pos[move] != 0);
 pos[move] = player;
bool TicTacToe::Winner()
 int board[8][3] = {{0,1,2},
 // winning possibilities
 // Go through the list of possibilities
 for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
 if ((pos[board[i][0]] == pos[board[i][1]]) && (pos[board[i][1]] == pos[board[i][2]]) && pos[board[i][0]] != 0)
 cout << "\nPlayer " << pos[board[i][0]] << " wins!\n\n";
 return 1; // return winner true
 return 0; // winner false
bool TicTacToe::fullBoard()
 if (totalTurns == 9)
 cout << "\nTie game!\n\n";
 return 1;
 return 0;


Main.cpp file

#include "Tic_Tac_Toe.h"
// Main function of the game
int main()
TicTacToe Game;
if (Game.playerHuman()) // human turn?
// Keep running the game until there is a winner and the game board is full
while (!Game.Winner() && !Game.fullBoard());
return 0;


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How to make a Tic tac toe game in c++?

There are several elements of the Tic Tac toe game that we need to break down in order to be implemented including the players and the board. The code example shows just how that is being done by creating a classes of the game and creating separate functions needed to create the game.

How do you get Tic Tac Toe in CPP?

There is a great tutorial on implementing a tic tac toe game in C++ with classes on

How can I use classes to make tic tac toe game in c++?

You can use classes to implement the foundation of a tic tac toe in C++ by organising the elements of the game into different classes including the player, board and main game loop.